septiembre 25, 2020 -
Adverbs,Frequency Adverbs,Present simple,Unit 1
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Frequency Adverbs
Example: I always drink lots of coffee.
I usually drive to work.
I frequently go to the gym.
I often go out for dinner at the weekend.
I sometimes watch TV in the evening.
I occasionally eat Chinese food.
I rarely go clubbing.
I seldom go sailing.
I hardly ever eat seafood.
I never smoke.
Adverbs of frequency come before a main verb EXCEPT for the verb to be which goes after.
Example: I am always on time. / I am never late.
If we use an auxiliary verb (can, must.....) then the adverb is placed in the middle of the two verbs.
Example: I can always call him in the morning.
He must never know our secret.
Sometimes, usually, frequently and occasionally can come at the beginning or the end of a sentence too.
Example: Sometimes, I prefer to stay at home at the weekend.
Occasionally, we meet at the cafeteria for a drink.
Other frequency expressions:
Every day/week/month/year
Once a day
Twice a week
Three times a month
Four times a year
Here you are lots of practice.
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